Wednesday, January 30, 2008

HR :: should they be working in Tandem with Religious Holidays for all the people

I mean gone are the days when there were people from the same religion, same locality and same country were in one orgnanization. We are living in globalisation, where by people from different races are working on the same organization. What I mean to say is that in one organization, there are different people from different religious backgrounds are working.The People from majority of religion enjoys their holiday. For example, Organizations working in Pakistan are off on Islamic holidays. This is very good for muslims but what about the non-muslims working in Pakistan. A Chinese working in Pakistan won't be getting a chinese new year holiday, while the same chinese will be getting this holiday in Singapore.Well in Singapore, there are holidays provided for Muslim Community, Chinese Community and Indian Community, probably because they are the ones in Majority.So this takes us where???No Matter which country you are residing, if you are residing in a country in which your comminity is the one or having a share in Majority, the organization is bound to provide you the holiday according to your religious beliefs.One this proposition, where does democracy comes when its time to play fair for the one in minority?

I mean, these days, we are living where by a everywork is a project. Every Project, there is plan and schedule, and for every schedule, there are different people working. Do you see where I am getting at?

Well simple, if a schedule is being made, could the scheduler schedule the project while keeping in mind the different religious background? Well I think the schedulers can provided if they are backed up by HR.

What is HR then? Nothing its in our minds. Because the poeple in HR are humans like us. We just have to convince them like I have tried to convince you.

Leaving my first post on this thought. Am open for comments.

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